The story follows a young girl named JoJo whose life is turned upside down when her beloved dance coach decides to retire and is replaced by a sparkle-hating instructor named Poppy. Wanting to stay in the running for an upcoming dance competition, JoJo and her best friends, The Rubies, must try their hardest to abide by Poppy’s new, harsh rules. Realizing she cannot hide her sparkle or bow anymore, JoJo is kicked out of her dance troupe and must rediscover what dancing means to her.
Genre: Family, Music, TV Movie Actors: Alaysia Jackson, Chris Francisque, Clay St. Thomas, Dean Dawson, Heather Laura Gray, Joe Tuliao, JoJo Siwa, Julia Marley, Kenya Jordan, Kerrynton Jones, Kiara T. Romero, Kiyoko Rain Gordon, Kyra Leroux, Laura Soltis, Marley Winton, Marlowe Percival, Mya Lowe, Tisha Campbell Directors: Michael Lembeck Production: Awesomeness Films, Nickelodeon Movies